

土地貸款利率新聞來源:TAIPEI TIMES台中小額借錢

台新整合負債BLUE TIDE: All cities and counties have a pan-blue leadership, except Taipei and Taitung County, where there is no clear pol台中支票借款itical affiliation, and Chiayi County, where the DPP won

“Farmers’ associations台新銀行台中貸款部 are the backbone of agricultural production, but local factions have always dominated association ele台中快速借錢ctions,” Su said. “There is a long way to go for Taiwan’s farmers to be freed [from factionist influence].”

However, the elections saw the renewal of Chinese Nationalist Party 台新信用貸款台北民間二胎土地銀行貸款利率(KMT) control over the majority of the associations.

貸款試算車貸Since it came to power, the DPP has been working to台新銀行信貸 gain more influence in the farmers’ associa哪裡可以借錢還當鋪tion system, with DPP legislators announcing the goal of obtaining one-third of seats in association elections.

KMT Legislator 哪家銀行信貸利率最低Chang Li-shan (張麗善) — who is Chang Jung-wei’s sister — said farmers were the biggest winners of the elections, as they re-elected the “old management team” that was highly trusted by farmers.

The Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) failed to 貸款試算excelgain control of farmers’ associations in台北民間借款 elections on Sunday, meaning former Yunlin County commissioner Chang Jung-wei’s family (張榮味) is still in control of the organizations.

Elections were held at farmers’ associ哪間銀行信貸比較好過a台北借錢網tions across the nation to elect 11,466 association representatives and 4,662 association officials, with pan-blue candidates securing the majority of seats.

By Chen Wei-han / Staff reporter

The DPP’s effort to extend its 哪一家銀行信貸利率最低influence faile台中青年創業貸款條件d土地貸款銀行 completely in Yunlin County, the nation’s most significant agricultural county.

The DPP aimed to seek more than half of the seats in five of the county’s 20 farmers’ associations in a bid to lessen the control of the Chang family, but the DPP failed to obtain a majority in any of the associations, whereas all the candidates endorsed by the Chang family won.

DPP Legislator Su Chih-fe台北哪裡可以借錢ng (蘇治芬) said the election result shows that farmers’ associations are still closely tied to local factions, while farmers’ voluntary participation台新車貸試算 in elections is still lacking.

All cities and counties have a pan-blue leadership, except Taipei and Taitung County, where there is no clear political affiliation, and Chiayi County, where the DPP is in control, according to reports.

Su also said the elections were rigged, citing alleged vote-buying in six Yunlin County townships, with ca台北民間信貸n台北代書借款didates reportedly buying votes at NT$1,000 to NT$2,000 per vote.

哪家銀行信貸比較好過The nation has 286 farmers’ associations, and 942,960 asso台新銀行貸款條件ciation members were eligible to v農會土地貸款ote in the elections, which had a voter turnout of 56 percent, the Council of Agriculture said.

The DPP could not sever the connection between farmers and farmers’ associations even with its executive power, as the associations貸款成數2017 honestly served their members, Chang Li-shan said.

National Farmers’ Association Secretary-General Chang Yung-cheng (張永成) — who is Chang Li-shan’s husband — said代書貸款安全嗎 the elections were a vote of confidence in the current associations’ leadership and the DPP’s attempt to overturn the elections failed because farmers evaluated貸款試算表excel candidates on their past performances instead of their political affiliations.



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